
Obama to campaign for Democrats in Georgia and Michigan in final weeks before midterms

Philip Davali

Former President Barack Obama announced Saturday that he will be heading to Georgia and Michigan later this month to support Democratic candidates in the final weeks before the midterm elections.

Events are set for Oct. 28 in Atlanta and Oct. 29 in Detroit, according a statement from Obama’s office.

"Given the high stakes of this year’s midterm elections, President Obama wants to do his part to help Democrats win next month," the statement read. "He looks forward to stumping for candidates up and down the ballot, especially in races and states that will have consequences for the administration of 2024 elections."

These stops are in addition to Wisconsin, where he’s also scheduled to hold a separate event on Oct. 29 in Milwaukee to help boost Senate candidate Mandela Barnes, a Democrat challenging GOP Sen. Ron Johnson, as well Gov. Tony Evers’ re-election bid. NBC News was first to report Friday the news that Obama would campaign in Wisconsin.


In Michigan, Obama will join Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist, and Michigan Democrats up and down the ballot for a Get Out the Vote rally, according to a statement from Whitner’s office. The event will focus “on the stakes of the race as access to abortion, voting rights and public education are at risk in Michigan."

Obama’s office has yet to announce which candidates he will be rallying with in Georgia, where Democratic nominee Stacey Abrams is challenging incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp and Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock is up against Republican Herschel Walker.

In an interview with Pod Save America, which aired Friday on SiriusXM Progress, the former president stressed the importance of voting in the midterm election, citing the Supreme Court's decision this year to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“It’s a reminder that democracy is fragile, that you have to tend to it, you have to fight for it," Obama said. "And this midterm election I think is going to be a moment in which, you know, that battle has to be joined and that means people have to turn out.”

The former president won Michigan and Wisconsin in 2008 and 2012. He lost Georgia in both presidential elections, to John McCain and Mitt Romney respectively.

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