
Birx recounts story of her granddaughter spiking 105-degree fever

Dr. Deborah Birx on Monday recounted the story of her granddaughter spiking a 105-degree fever.

Video Transcript

DEBORAH BIRX: This is a highly-transmittable virus. We've been saying that we want every American to know that what they're doing is making a difference. But we need to have solidarity of commitment from everyone to really-- so, you know, maybe once every two weeks, we can do a grocery store and pharmacy shop for the entire family. So it was really about, we have to do everything we can.

I know, I see on the TV stations, the level of human suffering in the hospitals. Dr. Fauci, and I, and Admiral Giroir, have spent our lives taking care of others. We need to take care of each other now as Americans and do everything that's in those guidelines.


And I know they're tough. I know, incredibly, how tough they are. My grandchild of 10 months got a fever of 105 this weekend. I'm the doctor. And I couldn't get there. I mean, so I'm trying to explain to my daughter how to listen to her lungs, how to listen to her lungs, and then the baby's lungs.

- You did not get there?

DEBORAH BIRX: I did not go there.

- Good.

DEBORAH BIRX: Because of you two. I mean, you can't take that kind of risk with the leaders of the country.

DONALD TRUMP: Your grandson's OK?

DEBORAH BIRX: Daughter, but she's--

DONALD TRUMP: That's a lot of temperature, 105.

DEBORAH BIRX: Yes. But that's just an illustration. And I know you all are making sacrifices. And I guess I want everyone to take this seriously. Due to the great care of my 91-year-old nurse mother, and my daughter, she's down to like 100 to 99 now. But it was three days of 14, 105. Which, you know, babies can do that. But it's very scary, especially when I couldn't assure myself that she was fine. So it was just some sleepless nights for me and them as they kept her fever down. So thank you for asking.

- Is it the virus? Or--

DEBORAH BIRX: Oh, no, I'm sure it's roseola or something. They have not been out of the house. They are not allowed out of the house. They've got two granddaughters under 1, 2 and 1/2, almost in one, only 10 months, and my 91-year-old and 96-year-old. So no one is allowed in that house or out of that house. Because there's too much precious cargo inside the house.