
Move Over, Air Bud: Amazing Baseball-Playing Dog Shows Off Batting Skills

A 6-year-old Australian cattle dog displayed her unique athletic ability when she used a plastic baseball bat to hit a ball her owner lobbed at her in a Marblehead, Massachusetts, garage on October 20.

Daniel Martin recorded this video and told Storyful the dog, named Pepper, has been swinging a baseball bat at Wiffle balls for about two years. The video shows Pepper swing and miss at the first pitch, but on her second try the bat makes contact, and the ball goes flying.

“She typically swings when a ball is thrown quickly overhand to her, but will also swing at the ball when it is tossed to her with a hockey stick,” Martin said. “Her batting ratio is so good that it clearly isn’t a fluke. When you watch slow-motion video of her playing, she has her eyes on the ball even as it approaches her quickly. She’s very talented.”

Martin documents Pepper’s tricks and other adventures on Instagram. Credit: @therealbigpupi via Storyful

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