
How to make a DIY pine cone bird feeder with your kids in 5 simple steps

Looking for a creative activity to do with kids that gets them outdoors safely? Try this family’s fun, nature-inspired project: DIY pine cone bird feeders. In the Yahoo Life series, Crafting with Kids, in which families from across the country share craft ideas, Kristall Mosler, with her two children, Siena, 4 and Elliot, 2, explains how to make bird feeders using pine cones, peanut butter and bird seed. Watch how Kristall, Siena and Elliot make theirs in the video above.

Video Transcript

- Smile!

- Cheese!


- Hi, my name is Kristall. And I've been quarantined in Los Angeles with my two children, preschool aged 4 and 2. And we've been super busy making lots of easy projects. And with these magnificent pine trees, we're making pine-cone bird feeders. Has been one of our favorite projects.


So the first step is to get your pine cones, birdseed, some peanut butter, some knives for spreading, and twine for hanging. We also, this time, are going to add some twigs for the birds to stand on to get at the pine cones, but certainly not necessary. Get the knives, or paint brushes, or whatever you're going to use to put the peanut butter onto the pine cones. And have them put it on pretty liberally. Towards the edge of the pine cone is best so that the birds can get at the seed.

So guys, we're going to sprinkle the seeds onto the peanut butter. You can use your fingers. Or you can shake it out of the jar.

- I want to use my finger.

- Oh, that's a great idea. Now that the feeders are ready, we are going to add sticks this time. Last time, we didn't do that. We have more squirrels than birds. So we're hoping that with some sticks the birds will stick around long enough to get the seed. We hope you've enjoyed this idea for making pine cone bird feeders. As you can see, it's a very quick and easy craft to do with kids. (WHISPERING) Elliott, don't lick it off there.