
MP shares picture of death threat that references infamous Boris Johnson 'dead in a ditch' quote

Labour Party MP Jess Phillips speaks to thousands of pro-EU demonstrators gathered for a cross-party rally in Parliament Square, organised by the People's Vote Campaign on 04 September, 2019 in London, England, to protest against Boris Johnson's Brexit strategy which involves leaving the EU on 31 October 2019 with or without an exit deal. (Photo by WIktor Szymanowicz/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Labour MP Jess Phillips shared a picture of a death threat referencing Boris Johnson's words in which he said he would rather 'die in a ditch' than not deliver Brexit (Picture: Getty)

Labour MP Jess Phillips has shared a picture of a death threat she received referencing Boris Johnson’s infamous quote that he would “rather be dead in a ditch” than extend Brexit.

The MP for Birmingham Yardley shared a picture of a threat she said she had received as the Prime Minister was urged to temper his language during fiery scenes in Parliament.

The anonymous missive sent to Ms Phillips said: “It was rather prophetic that Boris Johnson should say: ‘I would rather be found dead in a ditch’. That is what will happen to those who do not deliver Brexit.”

Sharing the image via Twitter, Ms Phillips wrote: “This week I received an anonymous letter to my constituency office here is what is said. @10DowningStreet might think we are ‘humbugs’ about his words but they are literally being used in death threats against me.”


Her message referred to a heated exchange in the Commons on Wednesday in which Mr Johnson rejected calls to temper his language as “humbug”.

Tracey Brabin, who succeeded murdered MP Jo Cox as MP for Batley and Spen, told the PM he needed to remember “his words have consequences”.

But Mr Johnson sparked anger by saying the best way to honour Mrs Cox - an ardent Remainer - was to "get Brexit done”.


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Earlier, Ms Phillips had urged the Prime Minister should “act with some humility and contrition” and apologise for his decision to prorogue Parliament - a move deemed unlawful by the Supreme Court.

She said: “I know that the Prime Minister wants to appear as a strong man.

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson gestures as he speaks at the parliament, which reconvenes after the UK Supreme Court ruled that his suspension of the parliament was unlawful, in London, Britain, September 25, 2019, in this screen grab taken from video. Parliament TV via REUTERS
Boris Johnson sparked anger by saying the best way to honour murdered MP Jo Cox was to deliver Brexit (Picture: Parliament TV via REUTERS)

“But the strongest thing he could do that would look the best to this country at the moment would be to act with some humility and contrition.”

She added: “This looks horrendous to the public and he thinks he speaks for the people, let me tell you now, it will look much better if the Prime Minister rises to his feet now and says ‘I am sorry, I got this wrong’. Let’s try honesty.”

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