
Japanese hikers survive 10 days lost in the wilderness — immediately apologize for ‘causing trouble’ upon rescue

Two Japanese women who spent 10 days lost in the mountains immediately apologized to emergency responders for “causing trouble” after being rescued.

The two unnamed hikers, a 61-year-old from Nagoya and a 69-year-old from Ichinomiya, were climbing the 1,895-meter-tall (approximately 6,217 feet) Mount Misen in central Japan, reported The Asahi Shumbun.

After an overnight hike on Aug. 4, the women left their lodge the next day around 8 a.m. A thick mist set in, however, and the two women accidentally went off-trail.

Both women survived 10 days in the mountain by rationing chocolate and cookies and drinking stream water. While awaiting rescue, the women found a rudimentary shelter and lit a fire.


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Police were dispatched to locate the women; however, the search was called off after five days without any sign of the two.

On Aug. 13, the 61-year-old hiker decided to head towards a village by using a map and compass on her cellphone. After finding a strong enough signal, the woman called for help.

At around 6:30 p.m., police received the call from the woman, who stated, “I’m on a mountain ridge.” Police then tracked her location and resumed the search early the next morning. The 61-year-old was found approximately six kilometers (approximately 3.7 miles) south of Tenkawa village office.

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The woman was rescued by a helicopter and gave instructions on where to find the 69-year-old. She was rescued three hours later. Afterwards, both women immediately apologized for causing an inconvenience.

“I feel so bad about causing trouble to so many people,” the woman reportedly told police. “I should have had the courage to turn back earlier.”

Both women suffered minor scrapes and are in stable condition.

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