
Instagram Live Workout Videos Are Getting AnnaSophia Robb Through Quarantine

"Little Fires Everywhere" star AnnaSophia Robb dishes on quarantine with her boyfriend and best friend, what brings her joy and how COVID-19 has exacerbated the inequality in our country.

Video Transcript

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: What have you been doing to stay entertained?

ANNASOPHIA ROBB: I mean, all kinds of things. I try-- I've been doing a lot of, like, Instagram-- I know it sounds silly but, like, Instagram live workout videos. I try to do, like, I try to do one exercise a day just to like-- I feel like it makes me feel a lot better. I think Ryan Huffington of The Sweat Spot, he literally-- he has a studio. I can see it from my house and it's obviously empty. Everybody just dances together. And it's, like, so beautiful to see.


You can see the number of people. There was the other day like, 6,000 people. And everybody's, like, shaking their butts all across the world and it's just-- it makes me, it's just, like, one of those-- it's just a weird corona sharing some sort of energy together. But it brings joy to my day. So I try to do that.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: That is so good. The dancing thing is something I've been doing a lot, too.

ANNASOPHIA ROBB: Yeah, I think everybody does.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Right? And you feel a little crazy but then you're like, well, what what's the alternative? Like, I have to move.

ANNASOPHIA ROBB: Yeah. You're like, OK. Well, I guess I'm just going to, like, learn a new Beyoncé video or, like, watching Ciara. There's no way I'm going to come out of corona. [LAUGHS]

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Oh my god, it's like you're in my head. I was watching "Homecoming" for, like, 20 at the time trying to--


ANNASOPHIA ROBB: Like, how does this work? [LAUGHS]

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Still doesn't look right. But I'm here alone so, like, why not?

ANNASOPHIA ROBB: Yeah, truly. Really good point.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: And really quick, too, what's your mood, though? Are you feeling anxious at all, or just kind of positive? What's your sort of vibe?

ANNASOPHIA ROBB: I think it changes from day to day. I think, I mean I feel-- when I talk to family or friends or when I'm reading, I feel like everyone's sort of going through a lot of different emotions. One of my friends sent me an article about-- I think it was in "The New York Times"-- no, it was in the "Harvard Review" about grief. Like, this is a type of grief. And I thought that was really interesting because I didn't really attribute it to that.

But yeah, I think there are highs and lows. I was driving through LA by myself yesterday night and it made me, like, so sad, just so sad because you can see all the-- the only people who are out, a lot of them are homeless. And it's And it's just like, man, I think this time it's just exacerbated the inequality in our country, which we all knew about.

But I think now is a really stark time. And I think the people who we can hear have voices. And the people who are silenced are really silenced-- people who are in abusive homes, or children. Or just, like, if you start thinking about it, it's just really heavy. But I think there are-- people are really trying to be proactive and trying to help. But it's also, like, I don't know what to do, you know? I have no idea what to do.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: That's the feeling. And you just-- I think you just have to find one thing. Like here, Verizon, you know, it's the No Kid Hungry campaign. That's what we're sort of pushing people towards. And I'm like, you just have to find one thing because there are-- like you said, there's so many issues that we're holding up a mirror to right now that it can get overwhelming.

ANNASOPHIA ROBB: Yeah. And I know American Red Cross is also looking for people to donate blood because it had to close a lot of their centers. So there's so many different organizations. When I said I don't know what to do, it's like, there was a quote in my high school that said-- and my friend and I always used to make fun of it-- and it was like, you have to know what to do, when you don't know what to do. What the hell does that mean?

But at the same time, as I've gotten older it's like, a lot of times in life you don't know what to do. And then it's like, well, what choice do you make from there? You look and see what other people are doing and where they're helping. And there's FoodCorps, and there is Global Citizen, and there's No Kid Hungry. And there are hospitals that you can log on and you can donate.

And I know Big Bud Press is a clothing store I love. And they're using all their fabric and they're making masks for hospital workers. And it's just like, great, that's so cool. I'm going to support them.