
Why Greek yogurt can be good or bad for you. It can have some problematic side effects

Food Flash” explores the wild world of food news, from the health benefits of red wine to why dark chocolate is actually good for you.

Greek yogurt is so popular, it’s considered both a superfood and a refrigerator staple for most health-conscious households.

The tangy treat is packed with protein, probiotics and vitamin B12, according to Healthline.

Its decadent and rich flavor makes it a great addition to any sweet or savory dish, but it’s not perfect.

Greek yogurt can actually cause some less than ideal side effects.

It contains a natural sugar called lactose and a protein known as whey which can cause inflammatory issues.


Like other dairy products, Greek yogurt contains natural hormones, which can be harmful to people with hormonal imbalances.

The pasteurized and homogenized milk used in the yogurt can lead to histamine problems such as acne and eczema, as well as gastrointestinal problems for some people.

What is the biggest surprise when it comes to Greek yogurt, though? Many options that are low in fat are actually high in sugar, which can lead to weight gain when you aren’t expecting it.

Don’t be fooled by the hype — going Greek is good for you, but like so many other things, it’s best done in moderation.

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