
Trina McGee on the racism she experienced on the set of 'Boy Meets World'

In January, Trina McGee, who played Angela Moore on "Boy Meets World," tweeted about a racially insensitive comment she received from one of her cast members. She revealed Will Friedle (Eric Matthews) called her “Aunt Jemima." It's something that she tells Yahoo Entertainment has stuck with her for years. Even though the comment was made more than 20 years ago, and Friedle apologized at the time, McGee says she is done being silent. “I feel like I'm always the one who had to squelch it and move on. What about me? What about all this stuff I'm taking and ingesting in me, and not really totally realizing how much it's lowering my vibration, my self esteem.” After posting the tweets, Friedle called her and wrote her an apology letter. She was able to have a healing conversation with him and encourages this kind of dialog — moving away from cancel culture and instead creating teachable moments. Watch the video above for more with Trina McGee.