
6 Delicious Ways to Use Up Mealy, Not-Great Peaches

Just because it’s peak peach season, doesn’t mean you won’t still occasionally end up with a dud in your basket. Or worse, you practice all the prescribed best practices for peach selection and storage, and somehow you still find yourself with an entire basket of lemons—peach lemons!

You know the type. When you sink your teeth in, rather than the luscious, sweet-tart flesh you expect, your mouth meets something mealier, less-hydrated, and void of flavor and sunshine. It’s not what you were hoping for, but hey, thems are the breaks. The good news is, even if they’re not prime for eating right out of your hand, that doesn’t make your disappointing stone fruit useless. Far from it, in fact. Here are six ways to make the most of your less-than-ideal peaches.

Photo: Oxmoor House
Photo: Oxmoor House

Make a Smoothie

You know what they say, when life hands you peach lemons, make a smoothie! You don’t need the most awe-inspiring fruit when it comes to throwing stuff into the blender for a cool and nutritious sipper. Add sliced (and peeled, if you like) peaches to your morning smoothie, or try something like this Blackberry-Peach Smoothie with Walnuts or a decadent Strawberry-Peach Smoothie.

Photo: Randy Mayor; Styling: Missie Neville Crawford
Photo: Randy Mayor; Styling: Missie Neville Crawford

Or a Milkshake

You know what would help some lackluster peaches gain a little luster? Blitzing them with a few scoops of peach ice cream (or vanilla fro-yo for a lighter take), obviously.

Photo: Hector Sanchez; Styling: Heather Chadduck Hillegas
Photo: Hector Sanchez; Styling: Heather Chadduck Hillegas

Pickle Them

It’s like my mama always said: You can pickle a mealy peach just as well as you can a juicy one. OK, my mother has never once said this, she doesn’t even like pickles, but it’s true all the same. Give this easy peach pickling recipe a go using some of your duds, and just watch your disdain give way to gratitude as your newly pickled peaches brighten your salads, barbecue sandwiches, and more!

Photo: Greg DuPree
Food Styling: Rishon Hanners
Prop Styling: Thom Driver
Photo: Greg DuPree Food Styling: Rishon Hanners Prop Styling: Thom Driver

Bake Them Into a Cobbler or Pie

I know it feels way nicer to use decadently succulent and flavorful peaches in your summer pies, but because you’re coating them in sugar, spice, and everything nice, then baking them—which further brings out the fruits inherent sweetness and juices—it’s actually OK to use the not-so-great peaches here. That said, knowing that you’re using marginally mediocre fruit, you will want to up the sugar in your recipe ever so slightly. Here are a few favorites to try: Easy Peach Cobbler, Brown Sugar-Cinnamon Peach Pie, Peach, Plum, and Apricot Crisp, Peach-and-Blackberry Crisp.

Iain Bagwell
Iain Bagwell

Or a Bread Pudding

If you’re looking for a dessert that you can also get away with serving for a weekend breakfast/brunch (just call it a French toast casserole and you’re golden), this Peach Bread Pudding with Bourbon Caramel is 100% the way to go.

Caitlin Bensel; Prop Styling: Christina Daley; Food Styling: Robin Bashinsky
Caitlin Bensel; Prop Styling: Christina Daley; Food Styling: Robin Bashinsky

Turn Them Into a Condiment

A fresh peach BBQ sauce, which certainly does not require the prime picks of your summer peach bounty, will help you live your best your barbecue life. Serve it over anything from slow-cooker pulled pork to grilled chicken.