Vote for the Best Sketch!

We conclude Week 1 of Yahooies! voting (we’ve still got two weeks to go!) with the perfect category to help you procrastinate doing whatever it is you should be doing: Best Sketch.

And the nominees — which you, of course, must watch to make an informed choice — are…

“Too Many Cooks,“ Adult Swim

It’s fitting that this supremely surreal sketch first aired in the wee hours of the night; it feels like a fever dream brought on by watching too much TV Land. "Cooks” starts out as a sly parody of cheesy sitcom opening credits with a never-ending cast of characters, then morphs into other genres (cop show, kids’ cartoon, space sci-fi) before turning decidedly dark, with a machete-wielding killer slashing his way through the cast. It’s a damn near brilliant deconstruction of classic TV tropes… and good luck getting that theme song out of your head. — Dave Nemetz

“Football Town Nights,”Inside Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer is on fire this year, and this sketch is a prime example of why; it serves both as a well-crafted spoof of Friday Night Lights, and a damning indictment of our culture’s permissive approach to rape, especially from our star athletes. Josh Charles plays a high school football coach who faces a serious backlash when he insists on a strict “no raping” policy from his players. (“What if it’s Halloween, and she’s dressed like a sexy cat?”) And Schumer’s wine-swilling Tami Taylor impression is just spot-on, y'all. — DN

“Family Matters,” Key & Peele

You’ll never look at Steve Urkel the same way again: This Key & Peele sketch views the ‘90s sitcom Family Matters through a disturbing, noir-ish lens, with star Reginald VelJohnson (Jordan Peele) arguing with a coke-snorting ABC executive (Keegan-Michael Key) over the increasing influence Steve Urkel is having over the show. The Walking Dead’s Tyler James Williams is fantastic as the all-powerful Jaleel White… er, Steve: “There is no Jaleel. Only Steve. It’s always been Steve.” If they gave out Emmys for guest sketch performances, we’d be pushing Williams for one. — DN

Bud Light Commercial, Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

Reminder: If you’re fortunate enough to receive an invite to a John Oliver-hosted cookout, never ever come bearing Bud Light. The Last Week Tonight host has made his disdain for one of America’s best-selling beers palpable on a regular basis, most hilariously in this spoof of the brew’s “Up for Whatever” campaign. Starring Oliver’s former Daily Show colleague Wyatt Cenac, as well as Girls’s Alex Karpovsky, the skit provides a laundry list of the many awful things that Bud Light tastes like, from “a liquid John Mayer song” to “the scared urine of a rabbit.” Message received, John: We’ll bring a case of Sam Adams to your BBQ. — Ethan Alter

“Bambi Starring the Rock,” Saturday Night Live

Most Disney animated classics really don’t need to be remade as live-action vehicles. But an updated version of Bambi starring Dwayne Johnson as everyone’s favorite forest fawn? We’d buy our tickets now, especially after this killer trailer, where a muscular Bambi and his gang of woodland critters declare hunting season… on the hunters. Next up, how about The Fox and the Hound starring Johnson and John Cena? — EA

Winners will be announced the week of Sept. 14.

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