Were We Wrong About Negan’s Victim? New ‘Walking Dead’ Trailer May Destroy Our Theory

The Walking Dead left us reeling and outraged when the final moments of Season Six faded to a blood-soaked black instead of revealing who died at the hands of brand new bad guy, Negan. Since then, SuperFans have been theorizing: did the show copy the comics and off Glenn? Or did they go in a new direction as they are often wont to do?

We thought we’d figured it out: Abraham met his maker. He patched things up with best buddy Eugene, he’d found a new love with Sasha, and as actor Michael Cudlitz said on the 2016 San Diego Comic Con panel, “[Abraham] is reminded that there are things worth not only dying for, but living for.”

What a tragedy it’d be to see his brains smashed in with a barbwire baseball bat, right? As long time fans of the series know, Walking Dead writers love to punch you in the gut whenever you’re starting to have a good time: Beth’s rescue comes to mind and reopens an old wound.

Related: ‘The Walking Dead’: Michael Cudlitz on Abraham’s Love Life, Bisquick Food Drives, and Season 7

So onto the new trailer, and we immediately notice what may be Abraham being pinned down by a walker. Well, Reddit definitely seems to think it is him. The Huffington Post too… but we’re not convinced. The walker lunch in question has a scarred face, so it’s more likely Dwight. Plus, the hair, though reddish, is long and stringy. Sergeant Abraham Ford rocks that high and tight like he was born with it.

The trailer also gives us quick shots of Carol, Tara, and Morgan, so we know they’re safe. Plus, there’s a sword slash that’s probably Michonne, and a motorcycle crash that we’re going to guess is Daryl. And we know Negan didn’t kill Rick or Carl, because c’mon. I mean, come on.

Until there’s more evidence, we’re sticking with Abraham. Not that we want to see him go, we love his insane vernacular — “You’d have better luck picking up a turd by its clean end.” — but Negan has a mouth just as foul, so he can pick up Abe’s slack — “We’re going to be in pee-pee pants city here real soon.”

Want to learn how to speak like Abraham? Buy a copy of his “Everyday Patois” for a lesson in Southern-fried vernacular…

So, what do you think? Did the new trailer change your mind? Or do you have a different theory altogether? Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Khail Anonymous, on Twitter.