'The Walking Dead' Stars Share Their Characters' Coolest Moments

This is only gonna make you love him more: Even The Walking Dead fan favorite Norman Reedus has moments when he’s not feeling his sexiest. Unfortunately, as he shared with Yahoo TV at Comic-Con, one of those moments ruined what was his favorite Daryl Dixon scene of the series.

“The season starts and I’m on this chopper,” Reedus recalls. “And I’m going down the highway, and I think it looks super cool, and then I look over and this little bit of fat [on my arm] is jiggling, and I’m like, ‘Ahhhh, damnit!’”

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For co-star Lennie James, a fight scene from the Season 5 finale, when Morgan finally made his way to a reunion with friend Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), had him almost too into his work. In “Conquer,” Morgan is out in the woods by himself when a duo of weapon-wielding Wolves (the new baddies) attack him. Armed with nothing more than a staff, he handily fights them off, showing himself to be considerably more capable than when we had last spent significant time with the character in Season 3’s “Clear.”

“There were a couple of moments in that scene where I almost wet myself, I was so excited,” James says with a laugh. “I kind of bitch slap them… I send them on their way.”

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Meanwhile, TWD teen Chandler Riggs says his favorite Carl Grimes moment came in Season 4, when Carl and dad Rick were mowing down walkers with some seriously high-powered guns at their (then) prison sanctuary. The scene was possible because it was shot at midnight on Riggs’s 14th birthday, meaning, under Georgia law, he was finally old enough to use the machine guns as props.

“I just remember feeling like I was in Call of Duty,” he says.

The Walking Dead Season 6 premieres Oct. 11 at 9 p.m. on AMC.