Walking Dead Ahead: Can Naked Daryl Escape Negan?

Last Sunday’s episode, “The Cell,” was, I hope, the closest The Walking Dead will ever get to doing a musical episode with an extended sandwich-making montage and a song so tortuous that it nearly gave us the Guantanamo experience.

The episode is essentially another bottle episode as the focus is only on Daryl’s horrible vacation at the Sanctuary, and we never once cut away to any of the other storylines or characters. This allows the writers to drag out a whole lot of nothing for an entire hour. Or maybe you find it riveting to see Dwight attacked by a Donald Trump zombie.

The writers did throw us a bone and gave us a naked Daryl eating dog food. Which I’ll be selling as a 13-month beefcake calendar. Get yours today!

Looking ahead, we see that Dwight may not be as devoutly Team Savior as he lets on. Negan loves rubbing Dwight’s melt-man face in the fact that he stole his wife, Sherry, and that seems to weigh heavily on the stringy brawler’s soul. Not to give too much away from the comics, but Dwight’s allegiance will definitely be put to the test in the coming episodes.

Daryl, who defiantly tells Dwight that he’ll “never kneel,” will be back in Alexandria by Season Seven’s end, but not before Negan gets there to peacock his little, red bandana off.

So, grab a Dwight-style hoagie, and we’ll see ya next week on Walking Dead Ahead!

The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC.

Last Week’s Walking Dead Ahead: Will King Ezekiel’s Big Mouth Doom Them All?

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