Vladimir Putin Says What He Likes About the United States

Charlie Rose has landed a big interview — Vladimir Putin. On CBS This Morning, Rose shared part of his sit-down with the Russian president, which will air in full on 60 Minutes this weekend. Putin, who is seen as having used anti-American rhetoric to gain political clout in his nation, was asked to say something nice about the country he so often finds himself at odds with.

When Rose asked, “What do you admire most about America?” Putin answered, “I like the creativity … creativity when it comes to your tackling problems. Their openness, openness and open-mindedness.” Open-mindedness is an interesting quality for him to appreciate. Putin saw legislation enacted that required bloggers with readerships of just 3,000 people to register with the government, shot tear gas at protesters on the eve of his 2012 inauguration, and changed the criminal code so that simply voicing dissent can lead to being arrested for treason. And yet he compliments open-mindedness. “It allows [the United States] to unleash the inner potential of their people. And thanks to that, America has attained such amazing results in developing their country,” the Russian president said. Rose asked for his thoughts on the view that he is a dictator masquerading as an elected official. Rose noted, “As you know, some have called you a czar.” Putin replied, “So what? You know people call me different names.” For someone who has not been kind to political opponents, he put forth that he doesn’t care what they think. “It’s not important how I’m called, whether these are well-wishers, friends, or political opponents,” he said. “It’s important what you think about you, what you must do for the interest of the country which has entrusted you with the position as the head of the Russian state.” To learn more about Yahoo SuperFan, be sure to follow us on Twitter: @YahooSuperFan, Facebook, and Instagram for your daily dose of all things TV and Movies!