United States Slips Into Total Chaos on 'Designated Survivor'

In the aftermath of the bombing at The Capital on Designated Survivor, newly sworn in President Tom Kirkman (Kiefer Sutherland) is tasked with rebuilding the government. This is a monumental undertaking in addition to the civil unrest that spreads around the country. But the biggest concern was in the state of Michigan, where Governor Royce had ordered police to enforce a curfew for Muslims while rounding them up with no legal jurisdiction. Meanwhile the FBI suspected terrorist group Al-Sakar was responsible for the bombing, but Agent Hannah Wells wasn't so convinced. She was suspicious of a faulty bomb that didn't go off at the site, theorizing it was planted to convince them Al-Sakar was involved. President Kirkman attempted to show confidence by giving a speech at the bomb site, but things quickly slipped into chaos. It was also revealed that Kirkman wasn't the only designated survivor, with Congresswoman Kimble Hookstraten coming into the fold. Kirkman eventually played hardball with Royce to get his way but another revelation changed the course of the events: a survivor at the site of the bombing.