‘Twin Peaks’ Returns in the Form of Custom LEGO Mini Figures

Photo: Citizen Brick
Photo: Citizen Brick


While the Twin Peaks revival is still some time away, fans can return to their favorite Northwestern town, courtesy of some LEGO versions of the show’s most iconic characters.

The mini figures are custom printed onto original LEGO parts by the company Citizen Brick and are currently available for purchase on its website.

The set includes FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (tape recorder and mug for coffee included), Audrey Horne (plus a cigarette), the Man from Another Place (sans any backwards talking), the Log Lady (with her namesake log), and of course, Laura Palmer (dead and wrapped in plastic).

You can get a glimpse of the full set, which is selling for $60, below. Though fans should note, the damn fine coffee and cherry pie are not included.

Photo: Citizen Brick
Photo: Citizen Brick

Twin Peaks will return in 2017 on Showtime.