'The Walking Dead' Cast Tells the Truth (and Lies) About Season 6

All you need to know about the upcoming sixth season of The Walking Dead comes courtesy of Season 5 finale scene-stealer Lennie James, aka Rick Grimes’s newly re-emerged pal Morgan: “Morgan wins,” James says in a Comic-Con interview with Yahoo TV.

The only glitch: He was playing a game of “Two Truths and a Lie” with his fellow castmates Norman Reedus and Chandler Riggs, and TWD showrunner Scott M. Gimple. So, truth or lie: Does Morgan really emerge victorious? It’s a question that should be front and center on fans’ minds after the Comic-Con release of an extended trailer for Season 6, which hints there will be a serious, and potentially deadly, beef playing out between Morgan and Rick (Andy Lincoln).

Among the other statements that could be true, could be fibs: Riggs’s disclosure that teen Carl yet again ends up caring for his baby sis, Judith, and Reedus’s reveal that Daryl takes a shower in the season ahead.

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For the record, we’re only OK with that if Daryl can get his hands on product that will keep his hair stylin’ with that never-been-washed look we all love so much, but Gimple’s further suggestion that Daryl not only showers, but does it on screen, isn’t likely to draw objections from too many TWD devotees.

Meanwhile, with the Season 6 trailer also showing Carol (Melissa McBride) continuing her resident Dead badass ways, Reedus and company defend her sometimes extreme methods of keeping her pals safe. Like that time last season when she threatened young chocolate chip fan Sam (Major Dodson) by saying she’d make him zombie chow if he didn’t keep his little cookie hole zipped about her sneaky trips into the Alexandria pantry.

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“I love watching [Carol’s] transition into this monster, this beautiful monster,” Reedus says.

“I mean, I don’t know if I’d go with ‘monster,’” Gimple adds. “It was for everyone’s benefit… and cookies were delivered, and everything worked out.”

Season 6 of The Walking Dead premieres Oct. 11 at 9 p.m. on AMC.