‘The Simpsons’ Dumps Trump, Endorses Hillary

The Simpsons released an online clip that parodies Hillary Clinton’s “3 A.M.” advertisement from her 2008 presidential campaign. Donald Trump has been vocal in past months about how he’d answer that 3 A.M. call better and with the best words, so he naturally made an appearance in The Simpsons video.

The Simpsons then provide a glimpse into Trump’s beauty routine, including what breed of dog his hair is made out of… and a reference to the book of Hitler’s speeches that ex-wife Ivana claims The Donald kept on his bedside table. They cap it all off with a strong endorsement for Hillary Clinton.

This isn’t the first time The Simpsons has made a mockery of the failed airline and vodka mogul. In March of 2000, an episode titled “Bart to the Future” may have predicted our terrifying future in which President Lisa Simpson inherits a mountain of debt from the Trump presidency.

In 2005, Homer confused Trump with a certain fascist dictator… No, not that German one. The Italian one. In 2009, the series could have inspired Trump’s most important campaign promise when they depicted the toll a border wall can take on a small town. And in July of 2015, Homer took a “Trumptastic Voyage” in a spoof of Trump’s escalator ride to his presidential campaign announcement.

The former Trump Steaks salesman hasn’t yet responded to The Simpsons, but he may have the time when he finishes eating an entire bucket of KFC with a knife and fork.

For more Simpsons, check out SuperFan TV’s coverage of their first-ever live episode…

The Simpsons returns to Fox on Sunday, Sept. 25 for the Season 28 premiere.