The ‘Family Feud’ Survey That Left Contestants Speechless

On Family Feud, the show known for baiting racy and suggestive answers from it’s contestants, host Steve Harvey stumped two players with, “name something that’s long and wet.” Ugh, really Family Feud writers?

Both of the guys at the podium, Victor and Pepe, were literally left speechless and were given the classic Family Feud buzzer. So Harvey turned to Victor’s teammate, Mike, who said “a kiss.”

While not a terrible answer, “a kiss” was not on the board, unfortunately. So Harvey asked Pepe’s teammate, Kiki, and she decided to take her answer in a different direction and name something that isn’t sexually suggestive at all when she said, “a fish.” And wouldn’t you know, it was the number one answer. Score one for humanity!

Check out the best Steve Harvey facial expressions from 2015.

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