Teri Hatcher and Kevin Sorbo Become Intergalactic Parents on 'Supergirl'

On Supergirl, Teri Hatcher and Kevin Sorbo guest starred as Mon-el's parents, Queen Rhea and King Lar Gand of Daxam. After finally tracking their son down on planet Earth he was caught in a lie with his girlfriend, Kara. Having not disclosed that he was in fact, a prince, she was more than disappointed. After Supergirl, Rhea and Lar Gand exchanged pleasantries they all sat down for the most awkward intergalactic meet the parents dinner ever. With Kryptonites and Daxamites having a less than pleasant history, things did not go well and Mon-el was pressured to tell them how he escaped from a bombarded Daxam. With an unheroic escape Supergirl was unimpressed and ultimately broke it off with Mon-el. With Supergirl showing Mon-el the way out, his parents were eager to get him back in space to unite the Daxamites but Mon-el was not quite done with planet Earth and told them to leave and never come back.