Genre Ep Questionnaire

  • NewsYahoo TV

    31 Genre Show Producers on the Heart of Their Series

    Over the last month, executive producers of more than 30 current genre shows have taken part in Yahoo TV’s “Why Genre Shows Matter” survey, either via email or by phone. We’ve learned which genre show was the first to resonate with them, which genre show they believe deserved more Emmy love, which current genre show they think is tackling an issue well, and, if they were a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, what moment, episode, or arc best explains why in honor of the show’s 20th anniversary.

  • NewsYahoo TV

    ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ 20th Anniversary: 20 Genre Show Producers Pay Tribute

    Twenty years ago today, Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer debuted on The WB giving TV fans a strong, smart, funny teenage heroine to root for. It also gave current and future TV writers something to aspire to.

  • NewsYahoo TV

    ‘Black Mirror,’ ‘Westworld,’ and 13 Other Genre Shows That Are Tackling Issues Well

    Leading up to the 20th anniversary of the March 10, 1997, premiere of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Yahoo TV is celebrating “Why Genre Shows Matter” and the history of how these shows have tackled universal themes (such as how much high school sucks) and broader social issues. “Name a current show you think is tackling an issue well” — that’s another question we posed to more than 30 executive producers of current sci-fi/fantasy series who agreed to take part in our Why Genre Shows Matter survey ov

  • NewsYahoo TV

    ‘Battlestar Galactica,’ ‘Buffy,’ and Other Series That Genre Show Producers Believe Deserved More Emmy Love

    Leading up to the 20th anniversary of the March 10, 1997 premiere of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Yahoo TV is celebrating “Why Genre Shows Matter” and the history of how these shows have tackled universal themes (e.g., how much high school sucks) and broader social issues. What’s one Emmy nomination you would have loved to see a genre show receive over the years? It’s a question we posed to more than 30 executive producers of current sci-fi/fantasy series who agreed to take part in our Why Genre

  • NewsYahoo TV

    15 Genre Shows That Helped Shape TV Today

    What was the first genre show to resonate with you? 1. HBO owes a “thank you” to The Incredible Hulk. Because when you’re a skinny, nerdy 10-year-old, you wish you could transform into a painted green Lou Ferrigno and beat the living s–t out of anyone who makes you angry.