New 'Supergirl' Trailer Packs a Punch

Fresh off its… well, super debut at San Diego Comic-Con, a new trailer for Supergirl soars onto the Internet, one that packs plenty of punch, along with other feats of strength. Titled “Her Story,” the minute-long clip gives viewers plenty of glimpses of the Girl of Steel in action, soaring through the skies, fighting extraterrestrials and — in a clear nod to 1978′s beloved Superman: The Movie, starring Christopher Reeve — rescuing a plane that’s in danger of crash landing.

Former Glee star, Melissa Benoist, is this generation’s Supergirl (as well as her civilian alter ego, Kara Danvers) and, based on the trailer, she’s more than up for the job. “Her Story” also provides glimpses of some of the supporting players in her orbit, including Jeremy Jordan as tech-head Winslow Schott (who becomes Superman’s nemesis, the Toyman in the comic) and Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant, the media mogul behind CatCo and Kara’s boss. We even see her take on her first bad guy: Vartox (Owain Yeoman), an extraterrestrial felon who has been waiting over a decade to tangle with Supergirl. “There is nothing people love more than a hero,” Grant says at one point. “Go get me that girl.” She’s already got our attention.

Supergirl premieres Oct. 26 at 8:30 p.m. on CBS.