Is Elisabeth Hasselbeck the Most Polarizing 'The View' Host of All Time? Vote!

Stop the (digital) presses! People are mad at Elisabeth Hasselbeck again. The Fox & Friends host posited yesterday that the officer who arrested Sandra Bland — the Texas woman who died in police custody on July 13 after being pulled over for a minor traffic violation — might have been afraid that Bland was planning to use her cigarette as a weapon against him. (Watch the segment above.)

Hasselbeck, as you may remember, first rose to national prominence as the lone conservative voice at the televised coffee klatch known as The View. More than once, she ended up in shouting/crying matches defending her beliefs against the far more liberal views of co-hosts Rosie O'Donnell or Whoopi Goldberg, as in this infamous blow-up over 9/11:

You can add Hasselbeck’s statements about Bland to the long list of things she’s said that have made viewers on the left angry — from arguing against the use of the Morning After pill to incorrectly asserting that new U.S. citizens will not be required to pledge allegiance to the United States.

All of this got us thinking: Is Elisabeth Hasselbeck the most polarizing The View alumna of all time? That’s a tough question, as there are so many candidates for that title. Plus — and I know the Yahoo audience will agree with me on this, at least — in America, every citizen is free to have his or her own, very distinct opinion of what type of behaviors/beliefs qualify as “odious.” I, for example, wouldn’t necessarily want O'Donnell to teach history to my children, but I don’t find her odious per se. (And yes, I know that puts me in the minority.) I do, however, find former The View co-host Jenny McCarthy extremely odious, primarily for the reckless way she promoted her ill-informed views about vaccinations and autism.

Some may want to place Sherri Shepherd in the “odious” category for her apparent inability to recognize the shape of the planet, while still others may find Meredith Vieira odious because… actually wait, never mind. Everybody likes Meredith Vieira.

Anyhow, folks, we’d like to put it to a vote. Which former member of The View do you find the most polarizing? Take our poll below — and if you don’t see your choice reflected in the poll, tell us who gets your vote in the comments.

The View airs weekdays at 10 a.m. on ABC.