Stephen Colbert Talks Clinton Nomination With Women From 1776

Stephen Colbert was joined on The Late Show by Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer of Broad City, playing a couple of women from 1776, to get their thoughts on the historic presidential nomination of Hillary Clinton. While in character, Jacobson was so happy about the nomination that she was going to cook a big meal for her husband then immediately clean up.

Glazer, also in character, misheard Colbert and happily exclaimed, “I cannot believe that in the year 1816 we finally have a female president!” Upon correction she was not so excited.

Both women from 1776 were shocked to find out that, in the 240 years since the Declaration of Independence, there has never been a female president, let alone a nominee. They insisted that the Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal — and then realized the unfortunate phrasing.

Finally, Glazer finished with, “You knew that was supposed to mean all people, right?”

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