Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers Roast the Debates

The first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump aired on Monday and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and Late Night with Seth Meyers wasted no time making fun of them. The two shows aired lived after the debates. Stephen Colbert joked, "Live means in the excitement of the moment, if I make a mistake, it can never be taken back. I would like you to keep that in mind, when you go vote this next November." Seth Meyers said, "After tonight's debates several FOX News analysts said that Hillary Clinton is the clear winner. Maybe global warming is a hoax, because hell has frozen over." Coming off of Trump saying that his temperament was his best asset, Colbert responded, "Of course, we'll never know if his temperament is really his strongest asset because he won't release his tax returns." Colbert joked about Clinton's polished performance, "Hillary was so prepared my new nickname for her is preparation H." He added, "In the primaries, she already proved she could soothe the Bern."