Stephen Colbert Knows Trump's Secret to Seeming 'Presidential'

From Esquire

Donald Trump, the outsider candidate and Exception To The Rule, is in the midst of a classic political pivot. To some, this means tacking to "the center"-otherwise known as abandoning the ideological principles of those who voted for you in the primaries. But for Donald Trump, this means starting to act "very presidential," a tremendously important part of being president, which he knows all about, like, more than anyone, OK?

After his Tuesday sweep of the I-95 corridor, Trump's disembodied voice once again appeared on each and every morning show that would have him. But something was different, Stephen Colbert noted last night: Trump was kind of-gasp!-Low Energy.

"I'm not beat," Trump told CNN's Chris Cuomo in a Colbert-curated clip. "I did get up a little early today to do your show ... You asked me to do it and I'm doing it."

It seems the Orange One's Very Presidential Move is to act subdued to the point of possible drowsiness. As Colbert noted, it summons an image of a pajama'd Trump sitting in bed-hair uncoiffed-as he talks to Steve Doocy about The Wall.

The sleepy strategy is a mysterious one, but there's one mystery it solves: At last, we know why Trump enlisted Ben Carson's help in this campaign. Surrounding yourself with experts is Very Presidential.