‘Scandal’ Recap: An Explosive Start and a Deadly Election Night Twist

Scandal got off to an explosive start Thursday night when Huck and Quinn were walking through the woods toward a cabin and the cabin exploded. And that was just the beginning of a crazy episode full of shocking moments and wild twists.

It was election night and Gov. Frankie Vargas pulled out a narrow victory over Mellie Grant. But the fun didn’t last long for Vargas, as he was gunned down during his victory speech.

Olivia immediately went to papa Pope to blame him, but he put the idea in her head that it was Vice President-elect Cyrus Beene. And after Vargas officially died, Olivia was determined to prove Cyrus was behind it. Even though they couldn’t find any evidence, Olivia went to the hospital to confront Cyrus, only to find him in shock. So with President Grant waiting to endorse either Cyrus or Mellie to be the next president, Olivia assured him that Cyrus didn’t do it.

The president told Cyrus, “I am handing you the most beautiful thing in the world. I am handing you America. Take care of it.” While President Grant was announcing that Vargas had died, with Cyrus by his side, Olivia was discovering that it actually was Cyrus who was behind the assassination. And the show ended with Olivia whispering into Cyrus’s ear, “I know you killed him, and I’m going to prove it.”

Scandal airs Mondays at 9 p.m. on ABC. Watch clips and full episodes of Scandal for free on Yahoo View.

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