‘Saturday Night Live’ #TBT: Bruno Mars Is Adorably Nervous as First-Time Host

A Saturday Night Live host’s first time can be nerve-racking. This week, Girl on the Train star Emily Blunt will get to experience that as she takes the stage at Studio 8H. But maybe she can pick up a few pointers and tips from her musical guest, Bruno Mars.

The singer not only hosted in 2012, he pulled double duty as the musical guest too. And Mars did not disappoint; in fact, he proved he’s an able comedian and talented actor who pulled off many sketches with charm and ease.

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It all started with his monologue, when Mars admitted to some nervousness about acting. “I’ve never even done a shampoo commercial,” he said, pointing to his full mane of hair, “which is crazy.”

Then, naturally, he did what he does best: croon. “What have I done?” he sang. “Will I someday regret this? Is it a terrible mistake? Can I put aside my fears? Can I be like Timberlake?”

Yes, you can be like the five-time host, Bruno. We believe in you! Just share some of that magic with this week’s new host.

Saturday Night Live airs at 11:30 p.m. on NBC.