'Zero Dark Thirty' Reenacted With Peeps (Video)

"Zero Dark Thirty" may have suffered the slings and arrows of U.S. Senators, but now it's getting far different Washington attention. It is part of the Washington Post Magazine's annual Peep Show.

A diorama of the movie made of, well, Peeps, and called, simply enough, "Zero Peep Thirty," was a finalist in the Washington Post Magazine's annual Easter contest of Peep dioramas.

The newspaper said the diorama was created by two economists at the Rand Corp. "who wanted to depict a scene from 'Zero Dark Thirty' without diminishing the importance of SEAL Team 6's mission."

This is the seventh year the newspaper has run the Peeps contest, which draws entries from both children and adults, all of whom turn the Easter candy into art objects.

The newspaper this year received Peep versions of Georges Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte and of Congress -- called Despeepable Congress in the entry -- and a Peep version of a local chili restaurant.

The Post Magazine awarded its grand prize to a diorama of Peeps in the church morning a death of some loved ones, buried outside in another part of the diorama containing gravestones with the words, "R.I.P. Twinkies" and Ho Hos."

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