Watercooler: The Real Housewives' Costa Rican Rumble

The Real Housewives of Orange County | Photo Credits: Richard May/Bravo

Down in Costa Rica, the saying "Pura Vida" is everywhere. It means "good life" and you can find stamped on everything from T-shirts to bottle openers to beer koozies. It's like the big thing. But now that the Real Housewives of Orange County have stormed the region for this season's lavish vacation, we're worried the country may adopt a new slogan. Something like "Who Invited These Monsters?!" Or "Go Home, Loud Plastic-Faced Ladies."

Seriously, Vicki and company have nothing on the howler monkeys of Central America's tropical nirvana. Shrill, unmannered and borderline feral, the O.C. contingent must have packed everything but their meds, because only Heather the New One came across as half-sane (points off for even associating with these women), and none of them seemed capable of handling even the slightest emotion without screaming at one another.

Case in point: The dinner convo about Alexis' obsession with flaunting her wealth. In 3,2,1...boom! Before you could say "step away from the crazy," Tamra was dropping the F-bombs and waving her hands like an excited Muppet, Vicki was ranting about being a financial planner, and Gretchen was switching sides like Slade told her to. It was a mean-girl-on-girl display that was unpleasant enough to make us miss Scary Island with Kelly, Bethenny and the rest of the old New York crew.

What about you? Did this dinner screamfest ruin your appetite? Or are you already hungering for next week's conclusion?

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