Watch The Rock Be All Bizness In HBO's New Ballers Trailer (VIDEO)

Though HBO's upcoming comedy Ballers didn't make our list of most anticipated new summer shows, it still deserves a solid Rock-style eyebrow raise at its trailer. Dwayne Johnson (a.k.a. the Rock a.k.a. Rocky a.k.a. the Brahma Bull a.k.a. the Scorpion King a.k.a. Luke Hobbs a.k.a. Tooth Fairy) stars as Spencer Strasmore, a "mentor" (business manager?) to former professional athletes who would rather make it rain than set up an IRA. Rob Corddry plays the weaselly white guy, because every show like this needs a weaselly white guy.

HBO released the second trailer for the series, and in it, beefy Pitbull the Rock doles out business gems like, "If it drives, flies, or floats... lease it!" Have a look at this distant cousin of Entourage for yourself:

Ballers debuts Sunday, June 21 at 10pm, where it will follow the Season 2 premiere of True Detective and be paired with The Brink, a comedy about a potential World War III starring Jack Black and Tim Robbins. Cory and I talked briefly about the two on this week's podcast, and while Cory was more interested in Ballers, I was excited for The Brink. What do you think? Please settle this dispute between me and Cory so that he and I can move on. Here's the trailer for The Brink for your reference.