‘The View’ Responds to #NursesUnite Backlash: ‘We Love Nurses … You All Deserve Raises’

‘The View’ Responds to #NursesUnite Backlash: ‘We Love Nurses … You All Deserve Raises’

Michelle Collins and Joy Behar tried to make it crystal clear on Wednesday’s “View” that they truly love nurses — so they’d prefer if you chilled with all that #NursesUnite backlash, Twitter.

“We love nurses … we adore you, we respect you,” Collins said. “You guys are wonderful, you’re the most compassionate people.”

“I was not talking about her as a nurse, we were talking about the talent competition and I think it got misconstrued,” she continued.

“By the way, if your bosses are watching, you all deserve raises,” she added, “Give them more money, give them everything, take my money.”

Also Read: 'The View' Under Fire From Nurses for Mocking Miss Colorado's Monologue

For Behar’s part, she just said she wasn’t paying attention during the segment and didn’t realize the contestant they were goofing on was a nurse.

“We’re all at their mercy, let’s face it,” Behar said. “It’s not like I was trying to be funny, it was just stupid and inattentive on my part.”

After, Collins called nurses “hilarious.” Behar added: “Nurses are great.”

Also Read: 'The View' Will Respond to #NursesUnite Backlash

Moderator Whoopi Goldberg, who wasn’t on hand for the initial Monday incident, turned it around on those who took offense.

“You just have to listen. You have to pay attention,” she said. “You have to look at folks and say, ‘Is that what they said? Or did she make a joke?”

Video will be added to this post as soon as it is available.