TV on DVD: All the 'Doctor Who' fans in (Doctor) Whoville should like Christmas a lot

Doctors nine (Christopher Eccleston), 10 (David Tennant), and 11, which is the current Doctor, played by Matt Smith, of "Doctor Who," plus, the "Doctor Who Limited Edition Gift Set."

"Whoville" probably conjures a very specific scene this time of year, with the Grinch ready to unleash all the rotten tricks in his two-sizes-too-small heart on the citizens of Dr. Seuss's Christmassy land, as is his annual tradition.

But fans of the British sci-fi classic "Doctor Who" may think of Whoville as a different happy place this holiday season, with BBC Home Video's release of the "Doctor Who Limited Edition Gift Set."

The hefty collection -- with 41 discs and some very collectible goodies -- contains the first six seasons of the series that was relaunched in 2005, meaning the seasons with Doctors nine (Christopher Eccleston), 10 (David Tennant), and 11, which is the current Doctor, played by Matt Smith.

Each of the seasons (series, as they're called in Brit TV land) was released previously as an individual set and includes bonus materials like audio commentaries with cast and crew; video diaries by David Tennant, Matt Smith, and Billie Piper; deleted scenes, BBC promos; "Doctor Who Confidential" featurettes on individual episodes; DVD-exclusive episode prequels; and, in the Season 5 set, "Meanwhile in the Tardis," show runner Steven Moffat's new scenes, filmed just for the DVDs, that reveal what happens between episodes.

The collectible goodies are true gems for 'Who'-vians: three original 6.5-by-10-inch art cards, each featuring one of the three Doctors and his companions (including Smith with his cowboy hat); the "Doctor Who at Comic Con" comic book (where the Doctor reveals that Jane Austen wasn't a good kisser); and a Sonic Screwdriver, 11th-Doctor style.

The gift set also includes a disc with three "Doctor Who" specials making their DVD debut, including "The Women of Doctor Who," "The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who," and "The Destinations of Doctor Who," three of the four specials BBC America aired before the September premiere of "Doctor Who" Season 7.

Unless you're a "Who" fan already in possession of the individual season releases, the gift set is a fantastic chance for a marathon viewing experience of the transitions of new Doctors and their companions. Can you imagine any other TV drama that could so successfully change the leads and supporting cast as many times as "Doctor Who" has?

Speaking of new companions, the "Doctor Who Limited Edition Gift Set" is not the only holiday treat for "Who" fans this year. The annual "Doctor Who" Christmas special -- the year's episode is "The Snowmen" -- will feature the debut of Jenna-Louise Coleman as Clara, the Doctor's new traveling partner.

Clara has her work cut out for her in the Christmas Day episode, as a heartbroken Doctor -- following his loss of Amy and Rory -- has given up on saving the world, just as the evil Doctor Simeon (guest star Richard E. Grant) plots to ruin the holiday with the help of an army of snowmen.

Watch the "Doctor Who" Christmas Special Prequel Mini Episode:

Watch the trailer for the "Doctor Who" Christmas Special, "The Snowmen":

"The Snowmen" premieres Tuesday, 12/25 at 9 PM on BBC America.


Other noteworthy TV DVD releases this week:

"The Dust Bowl" on Blu-ray (PBS Home Video)

Every American history topic becomes all the more fascinating through documentarian Ken Burns's lens, and the Dust Bowl is no exception. Images and rare videos of the catastrophic dust storms -- more than half a million people were left homeless by the dust and drought -- are included with interviews with survivors who were children at the time and who recall their families' experiences. Bonus materials on the release include extra interview footage and featurettes on "The Dust Bowl Legacy" and "Uncovering the Dust Bowl."

"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Complete Series" (Shout! Factory)

Attendees of San Diego Comic-Con 2012 may have already snagged a copy of this set, but for other Power Ranger fans, the 19-disc collection is now available with all 155 original episodes of the '90s live-action kids' series hit and hours of retrospective features that fill two of the discs.

"Diff'rent Strokes: The Complete Fourth Season" (Shout! Factory)

Nothing good ever came from Arnold's interactions with the Gooch, as in the Season 4 episode "The Big Heist," when The Gooch agreed to let Arnold join his club. Price of membership to the Barracudas: stealing something. And while Arnold thought he was committing petty theft by pilfering a 12-cent comic book, he learned very quickly how a first-edition "Spider-Man" is worth considerably more than its cover price.

"Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season" Blu-ray Collector's Edition (HBO Home Video)

For the most devoted "Thrones" fans, this attractive box set includes Blu-ray, DVD, and digital copies of first-season episodes, along with bonus features like audio commentaries, character profiles, "Anatomy of an Episode" and "From Book to Screen" documentaries, and a dragon-egg paperweight.