Stephen Colbert Says He's Just the 'White Guy' to Fill Jim DeMint's Senate Seat (Video)

Stephen Colbert Says He's Just the 'White Guy' to Fill Jim DeMint's Senate Seat (Video)

Stephen Colbert made it clear he will most definitely serve if called to fill the seat of Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) .

"The Colbert Report" host played mock-coy with his audience last night about speculation that he might be tapped to replace the outgoing senator, who resigned this week to run the Heritage Foundation. Numerous media outlets have been licking their chops about the comedic possibilities of a Senator Colbert.

"I'm not going to sit here and say I should be South Carolina's next senator, not when so many other people are saying it for me," Colbert said while sharing the screen with a number of headlines touting his prospects.

There are a few things in the Comedy Central star's favor. Colbert noted that he has a Super Pac and hailed from South Carolina and pointed out that Gov. Nikki Haley, who is tasked with appointing a replacement for DeMint, is a "friend of the show."

Plus he has that extra something that is in short supply on the Senate floor these days.

"I know when I look at the U.S. Senate, I say to myself, 'You know what they could use? Another white guy,'" Colbert said.

He then called on fans to take to Twitter and pepper Haley with requests to send Colbert to Washington on behalf of the Palmetto State.

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