Sandra Bullock Is Sick of the Media's "Attack on Women"

Sandra Bullock | Photo Credits: Rob Latour, © Rob Latour/Splash News/Corbis

This article, Sandra Bullock Is Sick of the Media's "Attack on Women", originally appeared on

Sandra Bullock says she's terrified about raising her 5-year-old son in a world where women are attacked so openly in the media.

The Minions star recently told E! that she's continually "shocked" by the treatment of women in her industry, and believes it's "harming girls and women in a way, at a speed, that it's scaring me."

"I feel like it's become open hunting season in how women are attacked and it's not because of who we are as people; it's because of how we look or our age," Bullock, 50, said during an interview. "I'm embarrassed by it, because my son is getting ready to grow up in this world and I'm trying to raise a good man who values and appreciates women, and here we have this attack on women in the media that I don't see [stopping]."

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Bullock graced the cover of People magazine earlier this year after the magazine named her the Most Beautiful Woman of 2015, but said she'd rather that the media focus on women's inner beauty. "I said if I can talk about the amazing women who I find beautiful, which are these women who rise above and take care of business and do wonderful things, and take care of each other, then I'm more than honored to be on the cover of this," she told E!

Watch Bullock's full interview below. What do you think of her comments?