Obama Calls to Congratulate Prop 8 Plaintiffs During MSNBC Broadcast (Video)

President Barack Obama left the future of marriage equality in the hands of the people -- and on Wednesday called the people who argued to the Supreme Court against California's Proposition 8 same-sex marriage ban and congratulated them on live television.

"You should be proud of yourselves," Obama said during a phone call from Air Force One. "Through your courage, you're helping out a whole lot of people everywhere."

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The same day the court voted 5-4 to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, justices also voted 5-4 that they did not have jurisdiction to hear the Prop 8 case, which a San Francisco federal district court already overturned. As a result, Prop 8 -- a state constitutional amendment passed by voters in 2008 -- is officially dead, and same-sex marriage can resume in California.

"Thank you, and while we celebrate today, we know we've got to role up our sleeves and get to work for those in the 37 states that didn't get marriage equality today," Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, told Obama over speakerphone. "But we're well on our way. And thank you for your leadership."

Here's the MSNBC broadcast:

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