Lindsay Lohan Sets the Record Straight

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The internet was sent into a tailspin yesterday when an overblown report said Lindsay Lohan had been found unconscious in her hotel and was rushed to the hospital by paramedics.

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The truth was quickly revealed -- paramedics were called to her hotel, but found her simply to be suffering from exhaustion and she was left to rest -- and now Lohan is speaking out about the incident.

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"Note to self," she Tweeted this morning, "After working 85hours in 4days, and being up all night shooting, be very aware that you might pass out from exhaustion & 7 paramedics MIGHT show up @ your door.... Hopefully theyre cute. Otherwise it would be a real let down. back on set."

The actress is currently filming Lifetime's Liz & Dick -- a biopic of late actress Elizabeth Taylor.

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