Julianne Hough’s Halloween Costume: 5 Things More Racist Than Her Crazy Eyes Getup

Julianne Hough’s Halloween Costume: 5 Things More Racist Than Her Crazy Eyes Getup

“Dancing With the Stars” hoofer Julianne Hough has taken a lot of heat this week for her unconventional Halloween costume, which saw Hough masquerading as “Orange Is the New Black” character Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren – complete with blackface.

No one is suggesting that Hough’s choice of costume was a good idea. (Not least of all Hough herself, who promptly apologized when the negative headlines started piling up).

But might it be suggested that Hough’s costume was more misguided homage than mean-spirited bigotry? In interest of bringing perspective to the issue, TheWrap presents 5 Things That Are More Racist Than Julianne Hough’s Halloween Costume:

Also read: Derek Hough on Sister’s Blackface Halloween Costume: ‘It Wasn’t Her Brightest Moment’ (Video)

1) Republican Don Yelton
Until recently, Yelton served as a Republican county precinct chairman in North Carolina. That was before he appeared on “The Daily Show” last week and complained about “lazy blacks.” Subsequently fired, Yelton had a chance to redeem himself when interviewed by TheWrap’s own Tim Molloy. He did not seize that opportunity.

“‘When a n—– can use the word n—– and it not be considered racist, that’s the utmost racism in the world, and it’s hypocrisy,” Yelton told TheWrap.

Given his newly unemployed state, perhaps Yelton can find work as a circus performer who amazingly fits both of his feet into his mouth at once.

Also read: Paula Deen Sheds ‘Tears of Joy’ Over Standing-O for First Public Appearance Since N-Word Scandal

2) Paula Deen
Celebrity chef Paula Deen was one of America’s most popular celebrity chefs. Until this year, when a former employer sued her, and it was revealed that Deen had a penchant for throwing around the N-word. Oh, and that she had once considered planning a plantation-themed wedding. Oops. On top of it all, Deen’s butter-drenched cooking style seems calculated to drive up the national rate of diabetes and heart disease — both of which are more prevalent among African Americans than among other Americans. Coincidence? You be the judge.

3) Sickle Cell Anemia
Speaking of racist diseases, sickle cell anemia is probably the grand wizard of blood disorders, going way out of its way to target African Americans. Adding insult to illness, the disease causes sufferers’ blood cells to be shaped like a sickle — a tool commonly used by slaves working in the fields. Not cool, sickle cell anemia. Not cool.

4) This little punk from “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”
During a skit dealing with the U.S.’s debt to China, Kimmel interviewed a group of tots about how to best deal with the debt. This kid’s solution? “Kill everyone in China!” he blurted out to Kimmel.

Nice. Hopefully whoever collects the milk money at this little psycho’s school is watching their back.

Also read: Republican Dropped Over ‘Daily Show’ Comments Uses N-Word Again

5) This tube of toothpaste
Seriously, “Darkie”? With that mascot? We’ll stick with Colgate, thanks very much.

The post Julianne Hough’s Halloween Costume: 5 Things More Racist Than Her Crazy Eyes Getup appeared first on TheWrap.

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