'Google Nose' Fails April Fool's Smell Test

Wondering what the inside of an Egyptian tomb smells like? Sorry. You're going to have to go to an Egyptian tomb. At least for now.

In its latest well-executed April Fool's prank, Google introduced a new search function Monday that would enable users to search for smells ranging from roses to tombs. No longer would users have to find a wet dog to smell a wet dog -- finally, that scent would be available on smart phones and tablets. And not just those recently rubbed against by a wet dog.

Google rolled out its new product with a link on its main search page, as well as a video describing all the many scents you would soon be smelling. It had been viewed more than a quarter million times by 10 a.m. ET Monday.

But it was all a joke, unfortunately. It will be at least a few years before you can scratch and sniff your laptop. (I mean, you can do that now. But it will probably just smell like laptop.)

Watch the video:

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