Will There Ever Be A 'Laguna Beach' Expose?

Will There Ever Be A 'Laguna Beach' Expose?

Retro MTV launched this week by rerunning Laguna Beach from the beginning, thereby reigniting everyone's interest in the L.C./Stephen/Kristin love triangle and decimating my productivity level from 8 a.m to noon.

PHOTO - Lauren Conrad Goes Topless

And it's clear that I'm not alone as at least one Trending Topic a day has been dedicated to the on-going antics of these privileged kids -- from Jason jerking around Jessica, to Stephen's "SLUT!" meltdown in Cabo, it's like 2005 all over again.

And in the coming weeks, as Laguna Beach reruns make way for The Hills, we'll once again get pulled into Lauren's Speidi drama and the return of Kristin. But according to the star herself, we'll never actually know what really went down over the six years their lives were documented.

Yesterday, a fan (not me on a secret profile, swearsies) Tweeted at Kristin, "@KristinCav we NEED a tell-all!!!!!!!" Sadly, for all of us who want to know how much was real, how much was staged and how much was dropped on drugs, Kristin replied, "My contract won't let me!! I wish I could!"

So do we Kristin, so do we. Luckily we'll always have reruns!

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