Bieber Gets Touchy-Feely With 'Girlfriend'

Bieber Gets Touchy-Feely With 'Girlfriend'

Justin Bieber is set to replicate the success of his best-selling fragrance "Someday" with "Girlfriend," and in this just-released teaser for the perfume, Justin's unseen "girlfriend" gets super handsy with the Biebs.

The 30-second spot features him singing an acoustic version of Boyfriend while a woman's hand caresses him, shot with a bizarre sideways camera angle.

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But the artsy ad isn't the only thing Beliebers will be treated too with the new fragrance launch -- he also hinted at a new song just for the commercial called Thru Your Eyes.

"I think u guys r gonna like the new fragrance commercial. #ThruYourEyes #acoustic #GIRLFRIEND," he recently tweeted.

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Check out the two short teasers for Girlfriend below!

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