'Arrested Development' Could Get Extra Episodes for Season 4

'Arrested Development' Could Get Extra Episodes for Season 4

Good news, "Arrested Development" fans; you could be getting some bonus Bluth.

David Cross, who plays Tobias Funke on the series, says that the currently filming Season 4 -- which will air on Netflix -- could receive extra episodes due to the abundance of material.

Also read: "Arrested Development" Begins Production on New Season

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Cross revealed that "AD" could run 13 episodes for the upcoming season, rather than the 10 that were originally intended.

"I think it's going to be 13 episodes, not 10," Cross told the magazine. "There's too much story. Some characters will have two-parters. Everybody sort of participates, sometimes in a bigger way and sometimes in a tiny little thread that goes through everybody else's stories."

Also read: "Mad Men" Star John Slattery Joins Arrested Development

Cult favorite "Arrested Development," which ran for three seasons on Fox from 2003 to 2006, was picked up by Netflix for a revival late last year. Production on the new season began earlier this month, with series star Jason Bateman tweeting a photo from the set with the caption, "First day. Away we go..."

An "Arrested Development" movie is planned after the fourth season. The new season will premiere on Netflix next year, with all episodes being made available simultaneously. Series creator Mitch Hurwitz has said that he would be open to a fifth and sixth season of the series after the movie is completed.

A Netflix spokeswoman told TheWrap that the company will run at least 10 episodes of "Arrested Development" in the spring.

In addition to possibly receiving more episodes, the series is picking up additional characters. "Mad Men" star John Slattery will appear on multiple episodes of the new season, through the nature of his character is being kept under wraps.

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