18 Reasons Nicky Is Irreplaceable on Orange Is the New Black

Natasha Lyonne, Orange Is the New Black | Photo Credits: JoJo Whilden/Netflix

Orange Is the New Black's third season was barely under way when it delivered a serious punch to the heart for fans. Nicky Nichols, played by Natasha Lyonne with foul-mouthed glee, was sent to max for getting caught with heroin.

There have been many character goodbyes on this show before, sometimes welcome (peace out, Larry!) and sometimes sad (miss you, Miss Claudette), but nothing has ever hit us this hard before.

Here are 18 reasons nothing will ever fill the Nicky-shaped hole in our hearts:

Everything's about to change on Orange Is the New Black

1. She'll call out your B.S. in a heartbeat.


2. She doesn't fall for society's trappings.


3. She's a Friday Night Lights fan.


4. She has a way with words.


5. She's got business-casual swag.


6. She has great taste.


7. Her relationship with Red.


8. She can break our heart with only a few words.


9. That charm!


10. She knows herself inside and out.


11. She's got the best one-liners.


12. The way she is with Morello.


13. She's great at diffusing any situation.


14. She's an artist.


15. Her surprise face.


16. Really, just all her reaction faces.


17. She has her priorities in check.


18. Basically, because Nicky is perfect in every way. Please come back to us!
