'Sesame Street' takes on 'Downton Abbey' with 'Upside Downton Abbey' [Exclusive video]

You know you've arrived when "Sesame Street" decides to poke fun at you. So PBS's red-hot import "Downton Abbey" should consider itself honored when this cute Muppet parody of "Downton" airs during "Sesame's" upcoming Season 43. The sketch won't officially air until new episodes resume Monday, February 4 -- but we've got an exclusive first look at it right here.

[Related: TV on DVD: Watch the entire third season of 'Downton Abbey,' on Blu-ray, right now]

Titled "Upside Downton Abbey" (and preceded by a clever take on "Downton's" iconic theme song), the sketch opens with a Muppet version of Maggie Smith's Dowager Countess (in a smashing purple hat) requesting a spot of tea from her felt-covered Mr. Carson. Problem is, as the name suggests, the estate and everything in it is upside down, so the tea pours right out of the teapot and onto the ceiling.

[Related: Major 'Downton Abbey' Shocker Devastates the Crawleys -- And Fans]

Same with the crumpets and the steak-and-kidney pie she requests, until her butler humbly recommends she rename the estate "Rightside Upton Abbey" to avoid any further spills. She hands down a royal decree, Carson throws a lever, and everything is right-side up again. If only the problems facing "Downton's" Crawleys could be solved this easily, huh?

"Sesame Street" returns with new episodes Monday, 2/4 (check local listings) on PBS.