'Bachelor' Sean Lowe on his journey to love: 'It's really a roller-coaster ride'

If love is a numbers game, "Bachelor" Sean Lowe is definitely winning.

He started out with 26 beautiful women fighting (tooth and nail) for his heart and has already formed deep connections with a few of them. But Lowe teases that we can expect quite a few twists and turns in his quest for a wife.

While he's found instant chemistry with women like Desiree Hartsock and Tierra LiCausi, he tells Yahoo! TV, "You'll be surprised: As the season goes on, the front-runners kind of fade sometimes, and then they come back, and it's really a roller-coaster ride."

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"I'm drawn to other women, and my heart's just consistently being tugged in every which direction."

Another woman who already stands out is Kacie Boguskie, a contestant from Ben Flajnik's "Bachelor" season whom he met at a charity event last summer. But do they have the chemistry for a romantic relationship?

"I really enjoyed my time with her, but I just thought of her as a friend," Lowe notes. "But I know how great Kacie is, so I feel like I owe it to myself to explore those feelings and see if I can shift her from the friend zone over to the girlfriend zone."

The diverse group of women remaining may seem like they have nothing in common with each other, but Lowe ticks off the qualities he's looking for. "I want someone who's smart, funny, and someone who has a good heart -- someone who's genuine and just wants to love," he explains.

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"The rest, I want it to be a surprise. I really don't want to put too many restrictions on the woman that I'm looking for. I really would like to be surprised. And I think this season you'll see that -- I'm drawn to a lot of women that, frankly, I've never dated before in the past."

Through the rest of the season, viewers can expect the usual breathtaking scenery, amazing date activities, and sexy hot tub scenes -- and possibly Lowe in love with several women.

"It really surprises me how I start to develop feelings for multiple women, because one of my fears going into the show was that I might not develop feelings or a strong connection with anyone," he confesses.

"And lo and behold, I find those feelings with multiple women, and there just comes a point where I'm not sure what I'm going to do, and it's stressful on me, but I'm sure it's going to make great TV."

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While he can't reveal if he found true love, Lowe can say that he's "very happy."

"I'm glad I went through this all," he tells us. "It wasn't an easy journey -- in fact, it was stressful a lot of the time, but it was so rewarding and I'm very happy I'm done now."

"The Bachelor" airs Mondays at 8 PM on ABC.