Ranking 7 Brooklyn TV Shows: How Brooklyn Are They?

Brooklyn has become such a distinctive place that the very word conjures up clear images for most people. Whether your visions are filled with bespectacled hipsters toting artisanal jams, or a graffiti-heavy abandoned street corner, or nosy Italian grandmothers laboring over their Sunday sauce, it's all Brooklyn. There's no one way, one definition, one meaning.

More than a handful of shows have been set in Brooklyn, and it's always interesting to follow the debate that inevitably springs up — just how Brooklyn is a particular show's Brooklyn? Is it true to real life (and whose life)? Does it portray all the different shadings of the borough or just a small subset? Is the show's Brooklyn too stereotypical or caricatured?

We decided to take on those questions (this writer has lived in four different Brooklyn neighborhoods in the past six years) and rank seven shows set in the borough.