'Grey's Anatomy': Pregnancy Scare for April and Jackson Almost Ruins Friendship

On Grey’s Anatomy, Jackson and April had a pregnancy scare when Arizona noticed the ventricles in the baby’s brain were slightly dilated. The unborn baby’s defect could have been a chromosomal abnormality and April’s reaction to the news, as a mother and a doctor, was understandably emotional. “Why didn’t you catch this earlier?” she demanded angrily. Arizona was taken aback by April’s rage, but at the same time, she knows that April has been through so, so much. Her response might seem dramatic, but it’s not — it’s the only response she can have after the baby-related trauma she’s experienced.

April desperately corners Arizona and demands for an MRI that might risk her and the baby’s health. Arizona reluctantly goes through with the MRI — and the results, luckily, turn out to be positive. But the emotional roller coaster ends up being too much for Arizona. So she makes the tough, but much-needed, call and dumps April as a patient, because she’d rather be her friend than her doctor. This is a bummer for April, who obviously trusts Arizona, despite her earlier blowup — though it’s probably for the best.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

Watch April and Jackson make peace:

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