'Once Upon a Time' Hero and Villain of the Week: Queen's Sacrifice


Warning: This recap for the “Last Rites” episode of Once Upon a Time contains spoilers.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud — and true love is willing to sacrifice.

Hades may say he loves Zelena, but he’s not willing to give up anything for her. All she wants to do is live in a pretty cottage with her baby, but he wants to rule a new kingdom in Storybrooke. He’s unwilling to put aside his thirst for revenge, even for her.

Meanwhile, Robin Hood makes the ultimate sacrifice to save Regina — and it costs him his life. That is true love. It gives; it doesn’t take away.

Down in the Underworld, Hook also finds the missing storybook pages that Hades took (with an assist from King Arthur). He has no hope of going back to the living world, but his love for Emma drives him to try to help her. In the end, his selflessness earns him the ultimate reward — his life.


Villain of the Week: Hades

Everyone has returned to Storybrooke, where Zelena entrusts Hades with her baby so that she can convince the townspeople that he’s changed for the better.

Of course, he hasn’t. He immediately kills King Arthur (see below for more on that storyline), and then we learn his real purpose: Now that he has a beating heart, he can fix an Olympian crystal which grants him immense power. With it, he plans to set up a new kingdom right there in Storybrooke, with himself as supreme ruler.

Regina tries to convince Zelena that Hades is still a bad guy, but Zelena refuses to believe her. She and Hades barricade themselves in the town hall, but Regina and Robin find a way in through a secret tunnel. When Emma distracts Zelena by attacking the protection spell, Regina and Robin sneak in to grab his baby.

Related: Read All of Yahoo TV’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ Recaps

Unfortunately, Hades stops them and threatens to zap Regina with the crystal. And if he does that, she won’t go to the Underworld, or the Better Place, or pass Go. She will just cease to exist. But when Hades points the crystal at her, Robin throws himself in front of the bolt. Regina gasps, as Robin’s spirit leaves his body and then… dissipates. He’s gone!

Zelena storms in just as Hades is about to kill Regina, and he encourages her to do it herself. Regina begs her sister to realize that Hades has been lying to her and doesn’t really love her. Robin showed true love by making a sacrifice, but Hades won’t give up this mad quest for power for Zelena’s sake.

Zelena wavers and then sticks the crystal in Hades’ heart. The god of the Underworld turns to dust, as the two sisters sob in each other’s arms.

Later, they attend a very sad funeral for Robin, as his friends, merry men, and son lay arrows on his coffin. Regina sadly notes that Robin never even named the baby, and Zelena decides to honor him by calling the baby after her father. A Robin will live on.


Hero of the Week: Hook

In the Underworld, Hook is at the diner when King Arthur barges in demanding to know where he is and what’s going on. Hook offers him a deal — Arthur was a terrible king in the living world, but he can make up for that by going on a quest for good. Hook wants to find Hades’ weakness, and they search his lair. Arthur finds a secret compartment holding the pages that the god ripped from the storybook.

They need to reunite them with the actual book, which Cruella hid on the island in the River of Lost Souls. They take a boat there, but are attacked by spirits. Still, Hook manages to grab the book, and meld the pages back in. In real Storybrooke, Emma finds the restored pages and takes them to Zelena to prove that Hades is still up to no good.

Now that his unfinished business is complete, an opening to the Better Place opens for Hook. Arthur decides to stay in the Underworld. He may have been an awful ruler of his own kingdom, but perhaps he can do better in this one.

Hook says goodbye, and when he steps through the light, he finds himself on Mount Olympus and meets Zeus. The god thanks him for his part in defeating Hades, and then offers to escort Hook onward.

But Hook isn’t gone! As a crying Emma stands alone after Robin’s funeral, a burst of light comes over her and then a familiar voice saying “Swan.” Killian is back! Zeus granted him life as a reward. They kiss in happy reunion.

But that happiness may not last long. Back in Regina’s office, Rumplestiltskin digs through Hades’ ashes and finds a bit of remaining crystal. Beware the Dark One with the power of the gods!

Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

(Photos: Jack Rowand/ABC)