Ari Gold's 'Entourage' house for sale

"Entourage" fans, call your mortgage brokers: Ari Gold's house is for sale. And if you didn't care for the abrasive agent played by Jeremy Piven, the property's still a long chapter of classic Hollywood history: The platonic ideal of happy TV families, Ozzie and Harriet Nelson and their sons David and Ricky, called the mansion home for decades.

[Related: Check out more photo from inside the house]

The Nelsons lived in the house during the making of "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet," and the exterior even served as the "exterior" of the show's family home when the show shifted from radio to television. (The interiors weren't shot there, but were closely modeled on rooms inside the real thing.) Ricky Nelson, later a music superstar, wrote many of his songs at the house, which is in Western Hollywood. (Paradise Leased has the property selling for closer to $5 million, so you may have to write some top-10 hits of your own to afford it.)


Current owners Vincent "Bo" Zenga, a screenwriter and producer, and his wife Zorianna Kit initially had no intention of letting their home be overrun by TV crews; Zenga had never watched "Entourage" and probably wouldn't have been won over by the hard-charging Ari. But the L.A. Times reports that he changed his mind when "he heard how much HBO was willing to pay."

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Zenga and Kit paid $2.5 million for the 5,214-sq.-ft. Cape-Cod-style house in 2005. We're not sure why the Golds needed five bedrooms and bathrooms, but the gated driveway probably came in handy. Built in 1916 for a local businessman, Casa de Oro also features a carved-oak staircase, a swimming pool, and a guest house.


Oh, and a ghost.

You heard us. Before you get too excited about the mahogany ceilings or the on-site screening room, dig this. Paradise Leased also says that previous owners have reported "mysterious happenings at the former Nelson home including doors opening and closing, lights turning off and on, phantom footsteps" -- and sexual harassment? Seems one female resident occasionally awakened to an invisible entity "kissing her neck and breasts."


Would you live in a "famous" house even if it were haunted? (Or especially if it were?) Do you think it's Ozzie Nelson groping from beyond the grave, or is that just a tall tale? Talk to us in the comments.